
GOLO Drama kings and queens???

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Should we give out crowns? Like for the prom?  This is seriously worse than some of my high school kids!  I can't post on GOLO enough to keep up with all thats going on and who said what about who, but I check in when I can and lately its all DRAMA!

I don't understand why people can't have their own opinons and beliefs, share them, and if people don't agree then who gives a crap???  We are all PEOPLE, if we were all alike and believed the same thing about everything life would be pretty boring, dontcha think?  Yea, a little drama is fun sometimes, but GOLL-EE!!! This is CRAZY!

Can we call a GOLO truce? And argue over something different?


Like, maybe, how BC is spending 10million on FREE CLINICS... (see my next blog, coming up soon)