
Christians Aren't Perfect Just Forgiven!

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Fellow Christians, I have noted a very strong tendency for Christians to be "crucified" for not being perfect. Where the general population gets the idea that we are supposed to be perfect is beyond me. Christians are "a work in progress", not a finished product on earth. I have no problem admitting that I am not perfect but God in His mercy continues to assist me on my way. I have for some reason always felt the need to defend my stance as a Christian but no more. Those who do not believe do not defend their stance, I should not have to defend mine. (What I don't understand is why the unbelievers feel the need to call on Christians to defend their beliefs. Is it because deep down they know that Christianity is real, but want someone to prove it to them?)

I will continue to have my faith in God. I thank God for His mercy in sending His son Jesus to save us. I pray for the unsaved and hope that all will come to an understanding of His saving grace.