
Big Shot Outsiders

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Supporters of the lawnmower racetrack on Mountain View Road in Alleghany County have tried to frame the controversy as one of “big shot outsiders” versus the “good ole home folks.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The opponents were here long before the racetrack and most of our homes are modest yet comfortable. The families of many opponents have been in the area for multiple generations. My western NC roots go back before the Revolutionary War. My ancestors helped beat the British at Kings Mountains. They fought for freedom in 1780. The Glade Valley Homeowners Association is doing to the same today. We’re fighting for the freedom to enjoy our property again. We won the first battle with a preliminary injunction in September. We hope to win the next round with a permanent injunction. Consider the facts. The racetrack is totally out of character for a quiet residential area near the Blue Ridge Parkway. More than 50 homes are located within a half mile of the facility. A suitable racetrack is available for use at the fairgrounds in Sparta. The Mountain View racetrack is located along a narrow, winding and dangerous road with no shoulders. The racetrack has produced unbearable and unhealthy levels of noise late into the night. Neighbors have been forced to leave their homes. Property values around the track have plummeted as much as 40% according to expert estimates. In addition, neighbors have been subjected to a cruel campaign of harassment and intimidation. Big shot outsiders? Hardly. We’re just decent, down-to-earth, taxpaying citizens trying to win back the peace and tranquility of our beautiful neighborhood.

Bill Leslie
Glade Valley Homeowners Association