
A traumatizing Christmas

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Hey Golo:






My parents bought my younger brothers and sister a dog a while back. As many of you know my parents adoptive the kids. Ages 7, 5, & 4. 2 boys and a girl. Anyway, this weekend all of the young guys that usually go to my parents house to play basketball were outside balling when they heard this loud growling noise. My brother ran over to the fence to see what was going on and he saw a Rocwieler (sp ?) latched on to lil' Rocsi, the kids dog. My brother and his friends picked up a pole and began hitting the big dog (and I mean this dog is huge; his head is bigger than 2 adults head...LOL). The dog still wouldn't let go. My nephew went running in the house histerically screaming telling my dad and mom that the dog is killing Rocsi. My mom and dad ran outside and told my brother to stop hitting the other dog because he may kill him or even worse cause him to charge after him. The big dog still had Rocsi by her head after all of the hitting him. Finally my brother's friend jumped over the fence and poke the big dog in the eye. The dog let go and took off running and so did Rocsi. My brother picked her up and ran in the house with her to call the Vet hospital. My brothers and sister stood there in the door watching the whole thing and cried their lil' eyes out. My little sister was the most traumatized. My mother said she has had a hard time getting her to sleep. Rocsi is still in the hospital and the dr's are doing all that they can to save her. They had to take her eye out. She lost a lot blood. The dr's said she's hanging on but they don't believe she'll make it. They mentioned to my father about going ahead and putting her down. My mom is all tore up about it. All of this happened on Christmas day. So what a day for the kids.

I called my uncle who is the police chief of my hometown and asked what can be done about this big dog. My family was told by some more neighbors that the people who own the dog uses him in dog fights. My family told the cops that. If you could see the fence that dog tore up to get to Rocsi--it is amazing she survived that much of the fight. The big dog (not on a leash) some how got to the fence Rocsi was in and pulled her under it. The fence still has a huge bend in it. Keep in mind, this dog had to come over big fence to get to her and then go around my parent pool house. It's amazing. I feel so sad for the kids. I wish we had more proof that the dog is used in dog fighting because we could really get the neighbors in trouble. Also, the cops said they believe the dog is not being fed properly so that it why it did Rocsi the way it did her. I don't like animals but I don't like to see animals suffer like this. The big dog should be put down, IMO.

Please excuse any errors.