
2nd Amendment rights? another update

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So it is apparent to me that Haggis is under the impression that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will bring down the murder rates in our country...I beg to differ, and here's how....

A comment in Haggis' blog suggested that lack of education and poverty lead to crimes, in this case, crimes involving guns.  Lets talk education first.  1) every child in this country (even illegal children) can attend K-12 and get a high schol diploma for FREE in this country (tax payers pay for it).  2) Low income children can attend nearly any college for almost nothing if they simply fill out the required paperwork.

 ....so why is eduacation an issue?  should we hold these children at gunpoint and force them to read?  Not every person (including children) are good people.  personality is written in the genetic code.  If a child is a mooch, you can't teach that out of them.  A decent set of parents could instill values in the child at a young age to not be a mooch but other than that, a mooch is a mooch.  Look at our current president if you have any arguements about poor kids not being able to be educated.


On to poverty. 1)again, poor people can attend nearly ANY college for free via gov. grants  2) in most cases, higher education = higher paycheck.


...The problem with people in the "hood" is that they do not WANT to better themselves.  They are already provided with means of supporting their family while they get an education, but rather they choose to sit at home watching Oprah and eating freetos.  "You can lead a horse to water......"

Back to the guns...

it is absurd to believe that taking guns from law abiding citizens will lower crime rates.  Given rational thought it would do just the oposite by leaving people defensless against intruders and thugs (including our government).  My solution to our crime is enforcement of capital punishment.  However, I am not in favor of the liberal "zero tolerance policy".  Not everyone that kills another person should be killed.  There are circumstances where murder is justifiable as in cases of self defense.  But as for gangs and individuals who kill people during roberies and other such crimes....smoke 'em.   Why should taxpayers be forced to pay $40,000/year per inmate in our current prison system?  Especially those who are in for 5+ years?  What is a person going to do after finishing a 5 year sentence in jail? get a job?  probably not.  They will most likely resort back to a life of crime similar to what ended them up in jail in the first place.  If a rapist, murderer, habitual felon knew that DEATH was the penalty for their actions, common sense (which I've come to realize many people don't possess) tells us that they will think twice before committing the crime.  And if they don't think twice, why should we give them the benefit of a second chance once the trigger is pulled?  For each action, there should be an equal, yet opposite, reaction....right?