
Religion, meet Science.

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Let's talk science for a moment. For people like me (and a few others), we are unable to ignore scientific facts. So, I would love for the religious folks to help me here and explain how you're able to look science in the face and call it a lie. "Faith" is not an acceptable answer. I want you to tell me how Christians, Jews, etc. reconcile these problems with their faith.

1.  You don't believe in evolution. Fine. So how do you explain the fact that humans still have remnants of a yolk sak? I'm pretty sure we don't need that anymore. Could it be that at one time, we DID? Why do we have organs which appear to do nothing? Maybe at one time, they did?

2. Why are hens sometimes born with teeth? Could it be that trait is still in their genetic code and while no longer a dominant trait, it still exists?

3.  Why do mammals in colder climates have smaller ears while animals in the warmer parts of the world have larger ears? Is it because we regulate temperature through our ears and evolution knows this?

4.  If animals do not evolve or change, how do you explain the evolution of the moth in England which normally was white, but due to the industrial revolution, changed to a black color in order to hide itself more easily? Did god do that, or did evolution? Note: This occurred in an absurdly fast period of time. It had to or it would have become extinct. 

5.  If we are all descended from Adam, how do you explain the lack of genetic mutations? If your argument is that god took care of that, why did he stop? There is a case right now in England of a father impregnating his daughters. All the children have genetic disorders.

6. Which leads me to the next question: If god destroyed the world with the flood and only Noah and his family was left, does that then mean we are all really children of Noah? 

7. Speaking of Noah, you do realize, there is NO way all animals could have been on that boat.  Basing the number of animals on the planet on today's numbers (not even those who are extinct), that would total roughly 350,000 different species, and that's being conservative. Not to mention, you have herbivores living side by side with carnivores, something isn't right here. Someone is bound to be eaten.

8. Dinosaurs. What the heck?  If god wrote a book explaining all, wouldn't he have mentioned gigantic creatures who lived so long ago? Could it be the people didn't know about it, so they couldn't write about it?

Further, why did dinosaurs grow so large? Was it because the air was more oxygenated making things grow larger? As our atmosphere changed, so did the animal life.

I won't even go into philosophical debates like why does god let babies die or why do some parts of the world suffer famine and disease? Why does god let people get cancer or die in war or stupid accidents? I will save that for another blog.

This is all about the science. So, religious folks. Tell me I'm wrong. Help me understand.

I'm listening.