
My Love Story!!!

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My Love Story…..

  By Tarheel Army Mom

  Call me crazy but...it all started April 9, 1998. I was playing on the computer and ended up on Yahoo Chat. I had been on there for awhile…just so happens…this day would change my life. In the chat room I was in, I bumped into this guy named Redneck Ray (of course this NAME got MY attention) LOL…We started chatting back and forth…we ended up talking for what seemed like forever…we did this for about a week straight and then we thought we would like to talk on the phone. I have always been blessed with good intuition and I just knew it was OK. Of course, in the back of my mind, I was hearing things…such as…you are crazy…he could be PSYCHO….but I trusted my instinct. After all, it had never let me down before. I just knew!

We exchanged phone numbers and then the sleepless nights began…as soon as I was home from work…I was on the phone talking to him…these conversations were very in depth and very comfortable, I might add. We covered just about everything in things conversations that we needed to know. I felt like I was talking to someone whom I had known all my life. We continued this way for about a week…in the short time that we were talking by phone, we knew that we were soul mates. We even made our goals as a couple: We would get together, get married, buy a house and have 2 children and the first would be a girl named Abigail.  We even named our first child during that time!!!

Ok…so now it is April 23rd…Ray drives up from Florida  to spend the weekend in a hotel. He was to come by my office….for our first visit…We were soooo excited and emotions were soaring…. When he got to my office and he walked in the door…I grabbed his hand, walked him to a secluded area and planted the biggest KISS on him that you could imagine…. I wish you could have seen the look on his face….and he smelled sooo good…The normal uncomfortable feelings of meeting someone for the first time….were NOT there….I had in fact…known this person…what seemed like…my whole life!!! We drove around town and in the country just to spend some time together…We could not take our eyes off of each other.  We had a great weekend.

The next weekend,  he drove up again and more of the same. The next weekend, I flew down to Florida for the weekend. I met his sister and her family.  He came down again and met my family. My family was pretty open but were a slight bit skiddish…but they trusted me. Well…to make a long story short….by Memorial Day Weekend, I had secured a house in Wendell for us…we got married…and here we are…after 11 years, 1 purchased house, and two kids later….together forever….and BTW: We did name our daughter Abigail….

He is the most wonderful husband and father!! Everytime I look into his Dark Blue eyes...I melt...all over again... He has eye lashes that are like... half an inch long.... :)
