
TWC ditching Nick, Noggin, Comedy Central, Mtv, and many others??

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 I was making my morning pot of coffee when my 4 year old called me into the living room to report something 'annoying' on the tv.  I came in to find this ticker scrolling across the bottom of the screen:


Alert! Alert! Alert! Attention TWC and Bright House Network customers.  Starting tonight, you will lose this chanel and 18 others from your TV including Nickelodeon, Noggin, MTV, VH1, Spike, Comedy Central, and TV Land. Don't miss out on your favorite shows. You can stop this! TWC customers call 1-800-762-3786, Bright House customers call 1-866-309-3279 and DEMAND THEY KEEP THESE CHANNELS!  Must be 18 years or older to call.


Pardon if there are any typos.  I was typing it as it scrolled across the screen and I'm headed out the door to work.  I just didnt want to forget to post this.

So are they really canning those channels?  I've been out of the news loop for the last few days ever since my discovery of Facebook.  LMAO!  Anyways.....if this ticker is true, and I assume it is or the Noggin channel wouldn't have been scrolling the ticker in an effort to keep itself being broadcast on TWC/BHN, then I sure am glad I made the switch to DirecTV!!!  Noggin is a staple in our home!  Its the only TV I really let the kids watch.


On a happier note...Happy New Year!