
House: Now a sprawling ranch

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WOW!  That's about all I can say about today.  It was incredible in many different ways. 

Things were going very smoothly as the crane was situated and the beams and straps put in place.  Then it came time to lift the top and ....  the crane was not big enough for the job.  It would not budge the house.  As a matter of fact, as tension was placed on the straps, and the guys began chain sawing it apart, the house started binding on the saws b/c the crane could not hold it up. 

So.... we had to have another crane and they had to do a tandem lift.  It delayed us a few hours to wait for another crane, but it was worth it.  We didn't want to try and push things too much and risk anyone getting hurt. 

Not one to sit back and watch others work, my husband had to get in the middle of the action.  When they were placing the straps and cables around the beams, they were trying to do it from the windows.  My husband grabbed one of his harnesses from his truck and hooked up to the fork lift and rode up to the second story.  From there, he was able to place the cables around the beams much quicker.  Since I know he does this type of thing for a living, I was a bit more prepared to see him perchec on the forks.  His mother, however, was a bit less than thrilled. 

I ended up having to leave before the second crane arrived, so I didn't see the top get lifted off.  Probably just as well since I think I would be bald and have not finger nails had I stayed.  My husband took video, so I'll still be able to see it - without the stress since I know it turned out fine!

While things were getting prepped, the kids went digging.  They found a saucer (in tact), some pottery pieces, some depression glass and a pint bottle that we assume might have had some home brew.  They were quite excited about their finds and felt like archeologists. 

Tomorrow, bright and early is the drive to the land.  I don't know if they will make two trips or if they'll follow with a second truck.  I guess we'll figure that out tomorrow.  Then Monday, we'll have both cranes at the land to pick the top up and replace it. 

For the record, we had one small puddle in the kitchen, on the linoleum!  With all the rain last night and the house to the level of disassemble, I'm amazed that's all we had. 

WHEW!  What a day!  I'm definitely beat!