
repost: I would like to thank...

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...The Rev. RB for providing a succinct, working definition of a term I have apparently coined.

In a blog last night regarding torture, tmedlin so graciously reprinted a column by Ann Coulter detailing in her own style how the left is utterly wrong regarding this issue (and by implication most other positions they hold.)

I made the comment:

"Why even bother engaging in any discussion involving leftists?

Their worldview is insane. Their positions are inane. And their argument form is idiotic.

It's like talking to a clump of fungus on the underside of a rock."


At which time tmedlin changed the photograph which was originally on the blog to a clump of fungus which is reproduced on this blog for the benefit of folks who missed it last night.

Sometime later in the discussion, OldRebel, seeing the new photo, asked if it was a picture of Fool's Gold, an appropriate question in its own right regarding the beliefs of leftists.

Then the Rev came back with her gem of an explanation: 


"Nope, it's a Fungus Clump, a new term developed tonight by Steve Crisp for those who have no clue and no good prospect of ever getting a clue."


Brilliant, Absolutely brilliant.

So now that we have a proper working definition for the term, we can all simply take to calling leftists FungusClumps in addition to moonbats and worthless piles of semi-human debris. And at some point, I hope the term becomes so ubiquitous that we can begin addressing them as FCs and everyone will know the reference.

This is so groundbreaking, I may actually run this blog several times throughout the course of the day so everyone can see the new term.