
Spook-be-gone: Where was God?

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Disclaimer:  Note to the clueless, this blog is NOT an attack on the persecuted Christians of GOLO!  


As an airliner dipped into the Hudson river recently, without any loss of life, the praises to God went out.  People affirmed and testified that it was clearly the work of God, helping the pilot, protecting the passengers.  And when the recent rescue of an American ship captain held captive by Somali pirates was announced, praises to God once again were shouted out.  While Navy Seal snipers were the ones that stopped the pirates, people affirmed it as proof that God was at work.  Without any doubt, people attributed these positive outcomes to a direct influence of God.  


But where was this God when that 6 year old little girl slipped into a cold river, to drown and be swept a mile downstream?  Remember the prayers when she first disappeared?  Where was this God when one of his worshippers allegedly killed an 8 year old little girl, stuffed her in a suitcase, and tossed her into a pond?  All the prayer circles were of little help.  Where was this God when countless other innocent children were attacked, abused, raped, and murdered?  Sometimes it even happens on church property?    


Is this God so busy steadying the controls of a seasoned airline pilot, that He can’t save a 6 year old from drowning?  Is this God so busy helping the aim of trained Navy Seals that He didn’t have time to rescue an 8 year old from being murdered and cast into a pond?  When God is apparently helping the sports figures hit their homeruns and score their touchdowns (given we’ve seen them acknowledge God for their talents and success), does that mean He has less time to save children from harm?  


While many believers are quick to give details on how God was at work on positive outcomes, there is an eerie silence when there is tragedy.  All they can muster then is “praying for the family”.  It seems okay to credit God with good things, but we are to remain silent when it goes bad.  We’re suppose to ignore it.  We’re suppose to then claim ignorance at understanding God’s plan, when moments before the believers were so sure of His plans when all was good.  


I’m at a loss to explain this mindset.  I don’t understand the logic, or lack thereof, of those that act like they know the mind of God one minute, yet then treat it as mysterious the next.  Throughout history and in our society, we praise the good, and admonish the bad.  But that’s not so if the bad happens to be on God’s watch.  Then we’re suppose to look the other way.  I understand those that believe in God.  I understand the nature of faith.  But I do not understand how someone can be so sure and confident that God is there helping a sniper kill a Somali pirate, yet not take that same God to task for doing nothing while a beautiful, innocent 8 year old little girl is brutally murdered and cast aside like a piece of garbage.  


And that is why I can’t fathom worshipping such a God.  Even if God was real, the suffering of innocent children throughout the world tells me that He is not worthy of praise.  Just think how much better this existence would be if while even letting the blights of man continue, He at least protected the children.  If one of you believers would be so kind, please ask God why He let 8 year old Sandra Cantu be murdered, stuffed in an old suitcase, and thrown into a dirty pond, yet spend so much time helping snipers, airline pilots, and sports figures.  Tell me what He says because I truly want to understand.