
Serious dumb question..

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OK, so I watched the National Geographic documentary yesterday about the events leading up to, and the terrorist attacks that took place on 9/11.

It was very interesting.

What I found the most interesting was the fact that about a week before the attack, a small child sitting in his class room, pointed out the window to the twin towers, and told his teacher that those building would not be standing there very much longer.

This is all that was said on the matter! They said that this is what the child told the teacher, and that it was verrified that the conversation did in fact take place. But they didnt say if it was a psycic child, or a child who may have been around and/or listened in on the conversations of those who where planning or knew about the events about to take place. All they said was a child told the teacher this & they went on to tell more of the big picture of the 9/11 events. I was just left wondering, and I think they need to do an entire documenary on this child/teacher conversation alone.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with my serious dumb question..

My question is..

Why do terrorist plot against us? What is their beef with the US?

I need simple answers. Something that my small half hillbilly mind can understand & comprehened. Nothing too detailed or politiclal. Just tell me, is it their religion that tells them to hate & kill Americans? Or has our goverment done something to them? If yes, WHAT?

I watched the entire documentary last night, but never did get the answer to my question & still do not know why.

*update, while trying to find out more about this child/teacher conversation, I came across this. (man, I know I'm probably wayy behind times, but ya'll must realize, I was not even living in the United States, or anywhere with access to a tv or internet when all of this mess went down. I came back 2 years later. So I missed alot of the info & rumors)
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb", The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654
Anybody believe this?*