
an open letter to angela

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Dear Angela,

This is an open letter that I fully expect to get yanked, and me booted off for making it an open letter.  However, I am not sending it to your email to be posted later in a blog to be laughed at or to speculate who wrote it.

I don’t get Golo anymore.  This is not the same community I signed up for way back in the beginning.  I don’t understand you or the moderators. 

You allow these thinly veiled blogs to be posted slamming the black community, yet when a black takes offense you boot them off.  Yeah, I know all that business about if you don’t like it don’t read it, but you know what?  I get sick and tired of coming on here and having to even look at all the negative bull that people have to say about the black community.

This place is a joke.  It’s more like a blog site for White Supremacy than a community blog site.  I am not an advocate of supremacy of any race; however, I am part white and part black.  I am just sick of this mess.  And for all those out there that like it and appreciate it.  I really don’t give two flips what you think about my blog.  I know many of you are just undercover cowards that would never spew this mess in my face.  And, if you say you would, I will be happy to give you that opportunity to do it. 

Back to you Angela, I met you at the Starbuck get together and really thought that Golo, was going to be going in a different direction by now, well it is.  Straight down the racist toilet.

If you are going to continue to allow these blogs to be posted I ask that you allow those of us that are offended to post in the same manner without being booted or flagged.  In other words to start an all out war on white bigotry with our blogs about how we feel about whites and their dirty mess, that is not to be pointed out or aired.  Then we can really clean Golo up.  Because everybody will have had their say, and the lines will have been drawn.